
Speaking as a long-term beneficiary of Richard Ellis' exceptional powers as a Reiki Master, I am so glad to have this chance to put into words how grateful I am to have encountered him in my life. His sessions are revelatory and profound and I believe them to have been a guiding force in my journey into better health. It always astonishes me that within moments of starting a session with him I have dropped into a place where physical and emotional change becomes palpable. There's a good deal of talk these days about 'detox' - without always having a clear sense of what that looks like. For the sceptic, a session with Richard would demonstrate exactly what it can be. Richard's authority in the field is second to none. And speaking as the founder of The New Forest Retreat we are supremely fortunate in being able to offer his work to our wider community.

Lady Meyrick

 I have completed my Reiki 1, 2, Master and Master Teacher training with Richard and not only does he have a wealth of knowledge, but his delivery is exceptional. My journey with Richard has resulted in significant life changing decisions that have transformed me as person. 

Karen Wright

How do I express in such a few words how wonderful and inspiring Richard is. His lineage of Reiki is so pure and powerful its a step above anything else i have ever experienced. His style of teaching is so natural, warm hearted, and inclusive. He creates a safe and welcoming space that everyone can relax into and feel supported by. After my first workshop, I was hooked. I rarely miss any reiki days, and have progressed to reiki master with his continued ongoing support. I'm proud to be part of the reiki family, and love the sense of belonging this brings. Not only do I enjoy the reiki, but also his weekly Qigong classes. I have to say I love these just as much, and that's saying something!

Emma Butchers

Richard Ellis is truly a one of a kind Teacher, Healer and Mentor. His knowledge and capacity to understand the human body and mind, is a gift he thankfully continues to pass on to his students so that his wisdom, support and guidance can reach as far and wide as possible. I feel blessed to have learnt the most authentic form of Reiki and Qigong from the most authentic and intuitive Teacher there is.

Rebecca Marr